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Quality Measures


The Quality Measures data mart is where we are building publicly available quality measures. You can see the roadmap in this section. If there is a publicly available measure you would like to see added you can submit an issue on GitHub.

Check out the Knowledge Base article for an overview of the data mart and a walkthrough example for calculating a quality measure.

Measure NameMeasure IDSpecificationStatus
Breast Cancer ScreeningCMS Star C01, MIPS CQM 112, NQF/CBE 2372LinkReleased
Care for Older Adults – Medication ReviewCMS Star C06LinkPlanned 2024 Q3
Care for Older Adults – Pain AssessmentCMS Star C07LinkPlanned 2024 Q3
Colorectal Cancer ScreeningCMS Star C02, MIPS CQM 113, NQF/CBE 0034LinkReleased
Controlling High Blood PressureCMS Star C11, MIPS CQM 236LinkReleased
Diabetes: Eye ExamCMS Star C09, MIPS CQM 117, NQF/CBE 0055LinkReleased
Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (> 9%)CMS Star C10, MIPS CQM 001, NQF/CBE 0059LinkReleased
Falls: Plan of Care (substitute for Reducing the Risk of Falling)CMS Star C12, NQF/CBE 0101LinkReleased
Follow-up after ED Visit for People with Multiple High-Risk Chronic ConditionsCMS Star C18LinkPlanned 2024 Q4
Hospital-Wide All-Cause Readmission (HWR)CMS Star C15, MIPS CQM 479LinkReleased (Readmissions mart)
Influenza ImmunizationCMS Star C03, MIPS CQM 110, NQF 0041LinkReleased
Medication Adherence for Cholesterol (Statins)CMS Star D10, NQF 0541LinkPlanned 2024 Q3
Medication Adherence for Diabetes MedicationsCMS Star D08, NQF 0541LinkPlanned 2024 Q3
Medication Adherence for Hypertension (RAS antagonists)CMS Star D09, NQF 0541LinkPlanned 2024 Q3
Medication Reconciliation Post-DischargeCMS Star C15, NQF 0097LinkReleased
Osteoporosis Management in Women Who Had a FractureCMS Star C08, MIPS CQM 418, NQF/CBE 0053LinkReleased
Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular DiseaseCMS Star C16, MIPS CQM 438LinkReleased
Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes (SUPD)CMS Star D12LinkPlanned 2024 Q4
Transitions of CareCMS Star C17LinkPlanned 2024 Q4
Urinary Incontinence (substitute for Improving Bladder Control)CMS Star C13, MIPS CQM 48LinkPlanned 2024 Q3

Data Requirements

This data mart uses the following tables from the Tuva Core Data Model:

  • condition
  • encounter
  • lab_result
  • medication
  • observation
  • patient
  • procedure
  • medical_claim
  • pharmacy_claim

Note: The Tuva Project will generate these Core tables. You just need to map your data to the input layer and run the project.


The data mart includes logic that allows you to choose a measurement period end date.

  • quality_measures_period_end defaults to the current year-end
  • snapshots_enabled is an optional variable that can be enabled to allow running the mart for multiple years

To run the data mart without the default, simply add the quality_measures_period_end variable to your dbt_project.yml file or use the --vars dbt command. See examples below.


quality_measures_period_end: "2020-12-31"
snapshots_enabled: true

dbt command:

# Uses defaults or vars from project yml, runs all marts
dbt build

# Runs only the Quality Mesures mart using defaults or vars from project yml
dbt build --select tag:quality_measures

# Overrides vars from project yml, executes snapshots
dbt build --select tag:quality_measures --vars '{quality_measures_period_end: "2020-12-31", snapshots_enabled: true}'

Data Mart Structure


The staging tables show what tables and fields are used from the Core data model.


The intermediate tables contain the logic for calculating each quality measure. The subfolder for each quality measure contains that measure's specific logic for calculating the denominator, numerator, and exclusions. Many measures use the same logic for calculating exclusions, such as dementia or hospice. This shared logic can be found in the shared exclusions subfolder.


The final tables are an aggregated view of all quality measures and your population.

  • Summary Counts: Reporting measure counts with performance rates.
  • Summary Long: Long view of the results for the reporting version of all measures. Each row represents the results a measure per patient. A null for the denominator indicates that the patient was not eligible for that measure.
  • Summary Wide: Wide view of the results for the reporting version of all measures. This model pivots measures on the patient level (i.e. one row per patient with flags for each measure. The false flags can be treated as care gaps as exclusions have been included in the pivot logic.


ColumnData TypeDescriptionTerminology


ColumnData TypeDescriptionTerminology


ColumnData TypeDescriptionTerminology